投稿小説が全て無料で読める書けるPiPi's World

Day before picnic
【ショートショート その他小説】

Day before picnicの最初へ Day before picnic 2 Day before picnic 4 Day before picnicの最後へ


Picnic / Six-silverling

Now, it will be a happy picnic tomorrow.

I will sleep early today.

Because to this world

A too unhappy life overflows.

Astronaut? Singer? 

I who was looking at everyone only on the cloud of the cloud on

It was not possible to satisfy it in this earth if it noticed.

Having the dream : even if easy.

It is difficult to chase the dream.

Do not mistake it.

The pressed dream

Still, if you want still to realize it

Night before picnic

Night before picnic

"Can I live well?"

Night before picnic

Night before picnic

It sleeps in the next of you who loves.


There is no problem.

It will be a picnic tomorrow.

...emptiness and thinking seem to be able to fly..

Day before picnicの最初へ Day before picnic 2 Day before picnic 4 Day before picnicの最後へ

